
Understanding the power of the breath

Kelly will guide you through an introduction to breathwork and the benefits. You will then be talked through a conscious connected breathwork session to move stagnant energy, shift your emotions, feel and become calm and present.

Breathwork has so many physical and emotional benefits which Kelly will share.

You will conclude with a discussion and word circle to talk about what you felt and discovered.

This will end with a beautiful Yoga Nidra practice to relax and soothe you. This will help you to relax and reset your mind and body.

It’s important to let Kelly know beforehand if you are pregnant , have high blood pressure or anything else that you think is important for her to be aware of.

Datum : zondag 21 januari
Tijd: 14:00 tot 17:00
Kosten: 45 euro
Aanmelding: Via ons online systeem

"The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you already are"
