Earth my body – Somatic Movement Practice

Eco Somatic movement practise : A journey of homecoming in your (bigger) nature body

Do you want to reconnect to the nature within and around you? And remember the unfiltered wisdom of your body?  

In this XXL class you will connect deeply to your body, your homebase on this planet.

Through meditation, visualization and intuitive movement with music – you will return to your natural connected state. You will develop a fullbodied awareness to inform your everyday decisions and actions.

Eco-somatics is all about remembering our inseparable connection to nature. The word Eco (Oikos) meaning “Home” and Soma (sōmatikos) can be translated as the body as perceived from within.

We begin by reconnecting to the greater body of our Earth, through the wisdom and memory of our own bodies. Via the rhythm of our own heartbeat, we connect with the heartbeat of mother earth. Via the blood flowing through our own veins, we reconnect to rivers of the planet finding their way back to the ocean. Our breathing lungs remind us of the constant exchange with the plant kingdom of giving and receiving. And our burning desire to live, relates to the glowing energy of the Sun. 

Datum : vrijdag 17 januari
Tijd: 19:00 tot 21:30
Kosten: 44 euro of 2 lessen van je kaart/abonnement
Aanmelding: Via ons online systeem

"The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you already are"
